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Justin Siken
Contract Award Defense Technology
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has awarded the $947 million CLOVER IDIQ contract to five small businesses

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NGA Awards $947M CLOVER IDIQ to Five Small Businesses

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) announced that it has awarded CLOVER, a $947 million IDIQ expected to be the primary vehicle for NGA’s total lifecycle acquisition management, strategic financial management, and strategic business management activities. The five-year, contract will compete eight task orders across five small business awardees: 

  1. Credence Dynamo Solutions
  2. Compass Inc
  3. Exacta Solutions
  4. Innovate Now
  5. Logic Gate

Services and Activities under the CLOVER Contract

Activities under CLOVER will include services supporting programs and projects across the NGA enterprise, including: 

  • Support to the military services and international partnerships
  • Development and implementation of geospatial intelligence policy and guidance
  • Defining, researching, and delivering future GEOINT capabilities
  • Daily GEOINT operations and asset oversight

CLOVER will also support oversight of resource management and business services, and agile processes to establish interoperability and standardization of capabilities. 

Competition for the IDIQ was Likely Significant

Details on the number of applicants were not released. However, over 600 industry questions were submitted on the solicitation, indicating significant competition. Logic Gate, Assertive Professionals, and Nextstep Technology all submitted preaward protests, which were dismissed after corrective action.

CLOVER Is the Successor to EMERALD 

The Clover IDIQ is the successor to the EMERALD contract initially awarded in 2016 to Agile Support Alliance Joint Venture, Knowledge Link, S2 Analytical Solutions, St. Michaels, and WiSC Enterprises. The initial ceiling for the Emerald contract was $849 million, though minimal details were publicly released regarding the at least 48 task orders ultimately awarded. 

Notably, none of the awardees on the EMERALD contract appeared on the CLOVER awardees list, though many likely exceeded the $24.5 million small business size threshold. A transition period through December 2023 will allow current EMERALD contractors to transition to the new CLOVER ones.

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Justin Siken
Justin is the founder of HigherGov and specializes in government contracting and grant strategy, data, and market intelligence.