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MRP-AMS-Conformance Management

Investment ID: 005-000001605


Program Title
MRP-AMS-Conformance Management
Provide product or process information for buyers and consumers about the quality or specifications of the product being purchased, and ensure that the commodities conform to defined standards.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable
Associated Websites

Investment Detail

As a user fee-funded organization with the authority to set fees by regulation, AMS is committed to cost-effective and transparent operations and processes. The Agency continues to strive to serve as a good financial steward through maximized cost efficiency and transparency.
When comparing the current state/baseline costs to continue operations with the two legacy systems to the projected costs for SCION, the result is an expected savings of $635K. This yields a return on investment of 8%.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the MRP-AMS-Conformance Management program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for MRP-AMS-Conformance Management

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for MRP-AMS-Conformance Management