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CMS Enterprise Portal Services (EPS)

Investment ID: 009-000314915


Program Title
CMS Enterprise Portal Services (EPS)
EPS is key in the CMS strategic goal of a single point of entry to all CMS applications. EPS provides login services and access to user account management functions for over 50 CMS systems, and 600k registered users.EPS provides several additional, enterprise-level services, including: Single-point of access to systems.Common look-and-feel for applications, no presentation zone servers, Portal acts as the presentation zone Inherited WAF protections through Akamai,system monitoring including consolidated real-time dashboards through Splunk.Ability to recognize potential app issues before severe degradation. Inherited session management features compliance to ARS controls AC-11 and AC-1.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable
Associated Websites

Investment Detail

EPS enhancements will include completion of replication from AWS WEST to AWS EAST removing a complexity to maintain and allow for utilizing Enterprise services native to AWS to reduce overall maintenance costs.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the CMS Enterprise Portal Services (EPS) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for CMS Enterprise Portal Services (EPS)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for CMS Enterprise Portal Services (EPS)