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BOR - RSAMS (Reclamation's Services and Applications for Mission Support)

Investment ID: 010-000000299


Program Title
BOR - RSAMS (Reclamation's Services and Applications for Mission Support)
RSAMS is a compilation of IT resources across Reclamation that supports mission-specific functions. RSAMS includes several small-scale applications that are not large enough to warrant their own IT investment. Many of these applications are related to planning, environmental programs, and administrative functions for water resource and hydroelectric power performance objectives. Some applications are region-specific, and some are used across multiple regions. All RSAMS applications are internally developed. The investment was initiated in 2000 and is managed by Reclamation's Enterprise Operation Division, Application Branch. RSAMS' value to Reclamation is based on the internal capability to rapidly provide customized applications software to support and enhance the mission of water delivery, power generation, and environmental compliance.
Type of Program
Non-major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable

Investment Detail

RSAMS IT applications, services and resources are unique and customized to provide water resource management IT support services that are not included in any other Reclamation or Department of Interior IT investment. RSAMS technology support services and applications significantly assist in enabling / allowing numerous agriculture, recreational, and metropolitan growth activities to develop and be maintained in the western United States. (e.g. irrigation, hydro-power and domestic water supply to over 31 million United States customers). Also many of these water and hydropower management and delivery services are unique in that they are legally defined and/or contractual specific to individual geographical areas of the western United States. ROI on the approx $4 million annual expenditure for this investment to support Reclamation's WRM mission are positively returned on a continuous basis in relation to the overall benefits provided to the US public and the economy of the United States. The financial costs and benefits analysis of each application within RSAMS is conducted annually during the CPIC process by the team of business owners, project managers, budget analysts and the IMT advisory council. The team reviews business justification, costs and health of each application, ensuring investment of funds for the application provides positive benefit for the mission of Reclamation.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the BOR - RSAMS (Reclamation's Services and Applications for Mission Support) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for BOR - RSAMS (Reclamation's Services and Applications for Mission Support)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for BOR - RSAMS (Reclamation's Services and Applications for Mission Support)