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BOR - CGB ICS (California-Great Basin Industrial Control Systems)

Investment ID: 010-000001946


Program Title
BOR - CGB ICS (California-Great Basin Industrial Control Systems)
This investment provides physical access control and security for high value, mission critical infrastructure. There are two major dams and powerplants associated with this system, Shasta Dam and Folsom Dam. These dams and powerplants provide power and water to the Central Valley Project. Investment initiation: 2016 Office: Water and Power Ops.
Type of Program
Non-major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the BOR - CGB ICS (California-Great Basin Industrial Control Systems) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for BOR - CGB ICS (California-Great Basin Industrial Control Systems)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for BOR - CGB ICS (California-Great Basin Industrial Control Systems)