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BOR - BORHMIS (BOR Hydrological and Meteorological Information System)

Investment ID: 010-000000275


Program Title
BOR - BORHMIS (BOR Hydrological and Meteorological Information System)
The Hydrological and Meteorological Information System (BORHMIS) supports water management requirements for near-real time hydrological and meteorological information (data) collection, distribution, translation and storage. Investment initiation date: 2003 Office: Water management and Hydrologic Data Analysis.
Type of Program
Non-major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable
Associated Websites

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the BOR - BORHMIS (BOR Hydrological and Meteorological Information System) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for BOR - BORHMIS (BOR Hydrological and Meteorological Information System)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for BOR - BORHMIS (BOR Hydrological and Meteorological Information System)