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BLM - National Fluids Lease Sale System (NFLSS)

Investment ID: 010-000001698


Program Title
BLM - National Fluids Lease Sale System (NFLSS)
The National Fluids Lease Sale System (NFLSS) supports administration of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) leasing program for Federal onshore oil and gas and geothermal leasing. NFLSS is comprised of two web components: Internal Web (for use by authenticated BLM users) and Public Web (for members of the public). (NFLSS) automates the processes to submit nominations by the public, manage nominations to create and evaluate lease sale parcels and lease sale lists, conduct competitive sales and day after sales, and manage the two year window. NFLSS automates submission of Expressions of Interest (EOIs), the initial phase in oil and gas and geothermal leasing, for review and lease approval by BLM management staff for production. NFLSS was initiated in 2014 and is owned and managed by the Assistant Director Minerals & Realty Management.
Type of Program
Non-major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable
Associated Websites

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the BLM - National Fluids Lease Sale System (NFLSS) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for BLM - National Fluids Lease Sale System (NFLSS)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for BLM - National Fluids Lease Sale System (NFLSS)