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BLM - Mineral and Land Records System (MLRS)

Investment ID: 010-000002377


Program Title
BLM - Mineral and Land Records System (MLRS)
The Mineral and Land Records System (MLRS) is in development and will consolidate and augment existing lands and mineral data systems into one centralized data system. MLRS will combine existing Bureau of Land Management (BLM) systems, including legacy databases, with new technologies and data structures to improve data quality and integrity, streamline workflows, provide a consistent method of access, and minimize data redundancy between disparate systems. The new system will provide the BLM, its Federal agency partners, Congress, and private-interest partners and stakeholders with improved reporting and spatial mapping. MLRS is owned and managed by the Assistant Director Minerals & Realty Management. The investments first module was launched in FY21 with full implementation expected during FY23. AD 300 Assistant Director Minerals & Realty Management.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable

Investment Detail

Alternative B - Stand up MLRS as a Platform
MLRS PLATFORM: The effort would be based on acquiring workflow based case management software with the capacity to design business rules into the workflow. This would provide the basis of a development platform, configurable workflow/case processing for the lands and records portfolio. The platform would provide integration with COTS document management capabilities and leverage EGIS for access to existing services and hosting for MLRS geospatial requirements. This effort will be predicated on an SOA that will gradually transition the ENERGY, MINERALS AND REALTY portfolio for improved data, system and workflow integration, facilitate the development of the system of record behavior. This alternative provides the most flexibility and extensibility to accommodate the integration of systems like AFMSS, MTS, CBS, PRIS, etc. ALIS, ORLSS, and LR2000 are all retired in accord with the transition strategy. In this alternative, ALIS, ORLSS, and LR2000 are retired.

Stand up MLRS Platform Discounted Cost $44,196,966 Discounted Benefit $251,436,916 Discounted Net Present Value $207,239,950 Cost Ratio5.69 ROI4.69 Breakeven Period 6.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the BLM - Mineral and Land Records System (MLRS) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for BLM - Mineral and Land Records System (MLRS)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for BLM - Mineral and Land Records System (MLRS)