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Project Grant


Grant Description
Nj Transit is requesting federal assistance in the amount of $269152256 (trust funds) of FY2021 Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program.
Funds in the amount of $268132256 will be matched with credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits) totaling $53626451 as permitted under 23 USC 120(I) credit for non-federal share.
Operating assistance in the amount of $1020000 will be passed through Cumberland County and will be matched with $1020000 in cash.

The projects in this grant are as follows:
- Capital lease payments
- Elizabeth Intermodal Station reconstruction
- GP40PH-2 diesel locomotive
- HBLRT Weehawken Tunnel repairs
- Lackawanna Cutoff Port Morris and Andover
- Local Cumberland County
- Lyndhurst Station reconstruction
- MMC building perimeter flood control
- Perth Amboy Intermodal ADA improvements
- Preventive maintenance bus
- Preventive maintenance rail
- ROC unit substation

Urbanized area breakdown:
MPO NJTPA $204144336340010 New York-Newark NY/NJ/CT - $203758296341770 Poughkeepsie NY - $386040
MPO DVRPC -- $48513247340040 Philadelphia PA - $35703605340760 Trenton NJ - $11143585343410 Hightstown NJ- $1666057
MPO SJTPO $16494673341480 - Atlantic City NJ - $12446793344320 - Cape May NJ - $1583826340000 East Stroudsburg $8454342300 Vineland NJ - $2455600

Purpose of the award:
Funds will support the reimbursement of expenditures for the Urbanized Area Formula Grant.

Activities to be performed:
The activities to be performed by NJ Transit include leasing on miscellaneous rail equipment, reconstruction of the Elizabeth Intermodal Station, the overhaul of NJ Transit's GP40 PH-2 diesel locomotives, lining of up to 1000 feet of the HBLRT Weehawken Tunnel, and drainage improvements.
Other activities include Lackawanna Cutoff extension, reconstruction of Lyndhurst Station, operating assistance for Cumberland County, design and installation of systems and devices to prevent or reduce water from entering the MMC buildings, upgrades to the Perth Amboy Station relating to ADA improvements, bus and rail preventive maintenance, and the design and construction of the ROC unit substation.

Expected outcomes:
The expected outcomes are the payments for the capital lease on the Northeast Corridor Rail Line, reconstructed Elizabeth Intermodal Station, rebuilt GP40 PH-2 diesel locomotives, Weehawken Tunnel improvements, Lackawanna Cutoff restoration and construction, operating assistance for Cumberland County, reconstructed Lyndhurst Station, improvements at the MMC and ROC facilities, Perth Amboy upgraded to ADA compliance, and reconstruction of the rail operation unit substation.

Intended beneficiaries:
Residents of New Jersey and the general public utilizing the NJ Transit public transportation system throughout New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia, and surrounding states and metropolitan areas.

Subrecipient activities:
Cumberland County Office on Aging and Disabled.

In FY2022, NJ Transit security projects will be funded with transportation trust funds in an amount equivalent to 1% of New Jersey's 2021 Section 5307 funds.
The project "Preventive Maintenance Bus- Atlantic City NJ" will ensure buses in the Atlantic City area are reliable and safe for passenger use.
Awarding Agency
Place of Performance
New Jersey United States
Geographic Scope
Related Opportunity
Analysis Notes
Amendment Since initial award the total obligations have increased 38% from $270,172,256 to $372,366,778.
New Jersey Transit Corporation was awarded Project Grant NJ-2022-020 worth $371,346,778 from the FTA Office of Budget and Policy in September 2022 with work to be completed primarily in New Jersey United States. The grant has a duration of 6 years 8 months and was awarded through assistance program 20.507 Federal Transit Formula Grants. $1,020,000 (0.0%) of this Project Grant was funded by non-federal sources.


Last Modified 8/7/23

Period of Performance
Start Date
End Date
24.0% Complete

Funding Split
Federal Obligation
Non-Federal Obligation
Total Obligated
100.0% Federal Funding
0.0% Non-Federal Funding

Activity Timeline

Interactive chart of timeline of amendments to NJ-2022-020

Transaction History

Modifications to NJ-2022-020

Additional Detail

SAI Number
Award ID URI
Awardee Classifications
State Government
Awarding Office
Funding Office
Awardee UEI
Awardee CAGE
Performance District
Robert Menendez
Cory Booker

Budget Funding

Federal Account Budget Subfunction Object Class Total Percentage
Formula and Bus Grants, Liquidation of Contract Authorization, Federal Transit Administration, Transportation (069-8350) Ground transportation Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) $102,194,522 100%
Modified: 8/7/23