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Project Grant


Grant Description
SBIR Phase I: Coding the Affective Domain and Visuospatial Ability - The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project supports the development of a visuospatial educational assessment tool.

Visuospatial aptitude is a facet of intelligence that underlies innovative thinking, i.e., how do new ideas emerge? And what are the physiological processes involved? Today, there is an overwhelming exposure within society to digital visual stimuli, and national assessment authorities acknowledge visuospatial abstract reasoning as an accepted and sought-after cognitive ability.

Future curriculum designs must develop along with how people are changing and perceiving knowledge. This project seeks to set standards in education on visuospatial ability by introducing a novel assessment. This visuospatial assessment tool will utilize a software platform that allows customers to take the assessment online and has commercial potential to improve industry, science, and educational programs for the advancement of human communication.

This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project investigates the development of an information technology consisting of a visuospatial ability assessment for measuring the biological processes that are required for being creative. Humans are biologically predisposed both to perceive and to reproduce symmetry, mainly in visual form but also aurally. This proposed visuospatial assessment tool measures some of the biological processes that are required for the perception and reproduction of symmetry.

Specifically, this assessment measures a form of sensorimotor perceptual action referred to in this project as "affective symmetry gauging" (ASG). ASG consists of a subject's innate visual perception/identification of the division in extreme and mean ratio point (DEMR; i.e., the symmetry point) in a given pattern. Because this process measures the extent to which a subject can perceive/identify and reproduce the symmetry point in given patterns, the tool also suggests the degree to which a subject may be inclined to reproduce symmetry, marking this inclination as a natural human expression of creativity aligned to pleasingness.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Awarding / Funding Agency
Place of Performance
Pueblo, Colorado 81001-2835 United States
Geographic Scope
Single Zip Code
Related Opportunity
Analysis Notes
Amendment Since initial award the End Date has been extended from 07/31/23 to 09/30/23 and the total obligations have increased 8% from $256,000 to $276,000.
Brownback Studios was awarded Project Grant 2129965 worth $276,000 from National Science Foundation in August 2022 with work to be completed primarily in Pueblo Colorado United States. The grant has a duration of 1 year 1 months and was awarded through assistance program 47.084 NSF Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships.

SBIR Details

Research Type
SBIR Phase I
SBIR Phase I:Coding the Affective Domain and Visuospatial Ability
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project supports the development of a visuospatial educational assessment tool.Visuospatial aptitude is a facet of intelligence that underlies innovative thinking, i.e., how do new ideas emerge? and What are the physiological processes involved? Today, there is an overwhelming exposure within society to digital visual stimuli and national assessment authorities acknowledge visuospatial abstract reasoning as an accepted and sought after cognitive ability. Future curriculum designs must develop along with how people are changing and perceiving knowledge. This project seeks to set standards in education on visuospatial ability by introducing a novel assessment. This visuospatial assessment tool will utilize a software platform that allows customers to take the assessment online, and has commercial potential to improve industry, science, and educational programs for the advancement of human communication.This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project investigates the development of an information technology consisting of a visuospatial ability assessment for measuring the biological processes that are required for being creative. Humans are biologically predisposed both to perceive and to reproduce symmetry, mainly in visual form, but also aurally; This proposed visuospatial assessment tool measures some of the biological processes that are required for the perception and reproduction of symmetry. Specifically, this assessment measures a form of sensorimotor perceptual action referred to in this project as ‘affective symmetry gauging’ (ASG). ASG consists of a subject’s innate visual perception/identification of the division in extreme and mean ratio point (DEMR; i.e., the symmetry point) in a given pattern. Because this process measures the extent to which a subject can perceive/identify and reproduce the symmetry point in given patterns, the tool also suggests the degree to which a subject may be inclined to reproduce symmetry, marking this inclination as a natural human expression of creativity aligned to pleasingness.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Topic Code
Solicitation Number
NSF 21-562


Last Modified 8/17/23

Period of Performance
Start Date
End Date
100% Complete

Funding Split
Federal Obligation
Non-Federal Obligation
Total Obligated
100.0% Federal Funding
0.0% Non-Federal Funding

Activity Timeline

Interactive chart of timeline of amendments to 2129965

Transaction History

Modifications to 2129965

Additional Detail

SAI Number
Award ID URI
Awardee Classifications
Small Business
Awarding Office
Funding Office
Awardee UEI
Awardee CAGE
Performance District
Michael Bennet
John Hickenlooper

Budget Funding

Federal Account Budget Subfunction Object Class Total Percentage
Research and Related Activities, National Science Foundation (049-0100) General science and basic research Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) $276,000 100%
Modified: 8/17/23