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OSMRE Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program (WCAP) Not-for-Profit Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Reclamation Projects

ID: S24AS00148 • Type: Posted


In accordance with Section 404 of The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), as amended, lands and water eligible for reclamation or drainage abatement under Section 404 of Public Law 95-87 (the Act), Stat. 445-532 as amended, are those which were mined for coal or which were affected by mining, waste banks, coal processing, or other coal mining processes prior to August 3, 1977, and left in an unclaimed or inadequately reclaimed condition, for which there is no continuing reclamation responsibility under state or other Federal laws.1. The Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program (WCAP) is designed to be partnered with other funding sources to assist groups such as small watershed organizations to complete local Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) reclamation projects.2. Funding is available to assist local 501(c)(3) status organizations and groups that undertake local AMD reclamation projects to improve the water quality of streams impacted by acid mine drainage.3. The funding priorities and technical focus for this announcement are to restore streams affected by AMD to a level that will support a diverse biological community and provide recreational opportunities for the public.4. Non-Federal entities may use WCAP funds only for AMD problems related to SMCRA defined abandoned coal mining activities and processes, which include remediation of AMD, sources of AMD, and installation of passive or active water treatment systems, including repairs and renovations. Projects may also include reclamation of lands that are contributing sediment or acid forming materials to streams. For other provisions relating to lands and waters eligible for such expenditures, see Section 402(g) (4), Section 403(b) (1), and Section 409 of Public Law 95- 87.


Category of Funding
Natural Resources
Funding Instruments
Cooperative Agreement
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 1/5/24 the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement posted grant opportunity S24AS00148 for OSMRE Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program (WCAP) Not-for-Profit Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Reclamation Projects with funding of $1.6 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 15.253 Not-for-Profit AMD Reclamation.


Posted Date
Jan. 5, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EST
Closing Date
March 5, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EST Past Due
Closing Date Explanation
Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET, on the listed application due date.
Last Updated
Jan. 5, 2024, 3:23 p.m. EST


Eligible Applicants
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Additional Info
An Eligible Applicant is limited to not-for-profit IRS 501(c) (3) status organizations that meets the following conditions:(a) Proof of not-for-profit IRS 501(c) (3) status as determined by the InternalRevenue Service or an authorizing tribal resolution is required of nonprofit organizations and institutions.(b) State/Tribal certification of project eligibility is required by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) Section 404.(c) Proposal must include details of how the project benefits communities and ecosystems impacted by polluted stream and or acid mine drainage.(d) Written agreement between the applicant and property owner(s) must be secured for Right to Access.(e) Include copies of all letters of support for the project from local community group, business and individuals. 

Award Sizing

Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants
Not Listed


Office of Surface Mining
Contact Email
Contact Phone
(202) 208-2747


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