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DTRA SI Industry Day QNA 030222.pdf

Posted: March 30, 2022 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.16MB


industry day Q&A session related to a forthcoming solicitation by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) support. The document includes questions and responses from various participants representing different companies. Key points discussed include potential Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) related to existing contracts, the transition period for the new awardee, small business participation goals, security requirements, and past performance evaluation criteria.

Participants sought clarification on various aspects such as the need for a SCIF facility, subcontracting plans, and the treatment of comptroller-related work. Additionally, concerns were raised about the fairness of the transition period and the level of small business participation required.

The Q&A session also addressed issues such as the evaluation of past performance references, potential OCI scenarios with subcontractors, and the need for clearances for offsite locations. Participants inquired about the acquisition strategy timeline, facility clearance requirements, and the differentiation between training and exercises support as optional in the draft Statement of Objectives (SOO).

The document highlights industry interest in understanding the full scope of support currently provided by DTRA through other contracts like PLEX and STED to enable effective solution development and teaming arrangements for the upcoming solicitation.

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