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DHA Industry Day Exchange 22 JUL Final Agenda vDistribution.pdf

Posted: July 21, 2020 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.29MB


This document is the agenda for a Defense Health Agency (DHA) Industry Day Exchange. It provides a detailed schedule of events and speakers. The agenda includes a pre-decisional briefing, virtual meeting "housekeeping," opening remarks by Mr. John Tenaglia, Deputy Assistant Director – Acquisition, and VIP speakers such as Mr. Guy Kiyokawa and Dr. Barclay Butler.

The agenda also outlines office briefings on DHA's COVID-19 response by key personnel from the Office of the General Counsel, Office of Small Business Programs, and other relevant departments.

Furthermore, the document includes information briefings on Medical Logistics and Immunization Healthcare Division, followed by opportunity presentations from various Deputy Assistant Directors covering different aspects of DHA operations. The agenda concludes with closing remarks by Mr. John Tenaglia.

This document serves as a comprehensive guide to the topics discussed and key speakers at the DHA Industry Day Exchange, providing valuable insights into the agency's priorities and initiatives in response to COVID-19 and beyond.

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