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Blockchain R2 Industry Day FAQs - 07082020.pdf

Posted: July 8, 2020 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.13MB


set of FAQs related to the Blockchain Release 2 Industry Day. It provides detailed information on various aspects of the application process and eligibility criteria for companies interested in working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Key points covered include:
- Decision-making timeline for funding
- Team composition for pitches
- Eligibility requirements
- Submission guidelines for proposals addressing multiple use cases
- Financial and customer information required in the application
- Opportunities for previously funded companies to apply
- Expectations at the end of Phase 1
- Handling of patented technologies
- Interaction with key stakeholders
- Technical needs related to risk assessments and interoperability

Additionally, it addresses questions about:
- Resellers applying as implementation partners
- Project team location requirements
- Intellectual property considerations
- Test data availability
- Lessons learned from Phase 1
- Plans for defining a platform to run diverse solutions across multiple agencies

The document emphasizes the importance of aligning solutions with DHS needs and providing detailed information to support proposal evaluation.

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