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BF Sisk SOD Phase 1 Virtual Industry Day Notice.pdf

Posted: March 2, 2021 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.08MB


Profiled People
Industry Day Presentation: BF Sisk Dam Safety of Dams Modifications Phase 1

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, California Great Basin Region, is hosting a virtual industry day for the BF Sisk Dam Safety of Dams (SOD) Modifications Phase 1 project. The project is set to be solicited in October 2020 with a planned award in June 2021. The purpose of this industry day is to enhance the industry's understanding of Reclamation's requirements, address queries on the project, and gather feedback from industry stakeholders as part of market research and planning.

The Phase 1 construction project involves:
- Raising dam embankments by twelve feet
- Foundation excavation with dewatering efforts
- Construction of shear key and downstream stability berms
- Excavation of approximately 21 million cubic yards from onsite borrow areas
- Modifications to the concrete spillway

The estimated duration for Phase 1 construction is 4-6 years with an estimated contract cost ranging from $500 million to $1 billion.

The virtual industry day will take place on July 21, 2020, via Microsoft Teams and will include a virtual tour of the project site. Interested parties must register by providing attendee details to participate in this informative session for market research purposes.

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