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B.01 W912EP22Z0033, PR Big 3 Industry Day Bidders Inquiries Responses.pdf

Posted: Nov. 30, 2022 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.89MB


bidder inquiry contractor report related to the Puerto Rico Big 3 - Industry Day Summer 2022. It includes detailed inquiries from bidders regarding dredging requirements for various areas within the projects, such as Rio Puerto Nuevo project and Rio de la Plata project.

The government responses provide estimated quantities to be excavated for each area and clarify specific details related to project design, excavation depths, material placement, and environmental considerations. Additionally, the document addresses questions regarding services needed for upcoming projects, such as QC staff personnel, surveyors, geotechnical and structural consultants, among others.

The government response indicates that these services are expected to be subcontracted by the construction prime contractor to comply with contract requirements, while construction projects will be procured separately utilizing the best acquisition approach.

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