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AWACS Block 40 45 PBL Industry Day Small Business Slides (002).pdf

Posted: July 25, 2016 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.08MB


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presentation on small business topics presented by Bill Donaldson from AFLCMC/SB-Hanscom. The main points covered include the contracting philosophy focusing on SBSAs, important new information on subcontracting, and a wrap-up with questions and answers. The document emphasizes the mission of AFLCMC/SB-Hanscom to advocate for promoting contracting with small businesses at Hanscom AFB. It also discusses the policy of providing maximum opportunities for various types of small business concerns to participate in federal agency contracts.

Additionally, the presentation highlights the NDAA FY13 small business items, specifically Section 1651 which addresses limitations on subcontracting for service and supply contracts. The document mentions changes in the formula for calculating limitations on subcontracting and penalties for violations. It also touches upon recent developments related to subcontracting in FAR cases. The presentation aims to assist USAF market research by providing tips on addressing questions, emphasizing subcontracting capabilities, and discussing the importance of accurately representing capabilities in RFIs.

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