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Attachment 12 Industry Day - Slides Day 1 EITEN 26 Oct 21.pdf

Posted: Oct. 26, 2021 • Type: .pdf • Size: 2.66MB


Industry Day - Slides Day 1 EITEN 26 Oct 21 provides detailed instructions and information for participants attending the industry day event related to the Europe-wide Information Technology Enterprise Network (EITEN) acquisition program. The document outlines key guidelines, such as the meeting being audio-only, the use of the chat option for questions, and the recording of the meeting for sharing with industry participants upon request. It introduces the EITEN team members and their roles, including the acquisition program manager and lead contracting specialist.

The agenda covers various topics like the purpose of the industry day, contract information, source selection procedures, pricing approaches, and evaluation processes. Additionally, it highlights rules of engagement, ethics issues, and organizational conflict of interest (OCI) discussions to ensure transparency and compliance throughout the event.

The industry day schedule includes a general session with Q&A on October 26th and one-on-one sessions with registered vendors from October 27th to 29th. The rules of engagement emphasize that all EITEN-related information should be directed to the contracting office as the point of contact. It clarifies that any information shared during the event is pre-decisional and subject to future solicitation documents' terms.

Ethics issues regarding disclosure of procurement information are addressed, along with guidelines on identifying and mitigating organizational conflicts of interest. The document aims to provide industry participants with a comprehensive understanding of the EITEN requirement, encourage feedback on the acquisition plan, and facilitate constructive engagement between government officials and potential contractors.

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