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ARCF SREL C4 65 Percent Industry Day Presentation.pdf

Posted: Jan. 26, 2022 • Type: .pdf • Size: 6.02MB


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Industry Day Presentation: The document provides a detailed overview of the American River Common Features 2016 Sacramento River East Levee, Contract 4 project, focusing on the 65% draft solicitation for an industry day in January 2022. The presentation covers various aspects of the project, including project background, remaining efforts, environmental considerations, program overview, technical overview, regional overview, and contracting information. Key elements of the project include substantial completion targeted for January 2024, authorized plan features such as cutoff walls, bank protection, levee stabilization, and environmental mitigation efforts covering up to 680 acres. The document outlines the schedule for Contract 4 with milestones for real estate waivers, procurement activities, design and construction phases leading to substantial completion.

The presentation delves into specific details of the remaining efforts for the Sacramento River East Levee project, including seepage/stability/overtopping concerns, engineering reviews, and the procurement process timeline. It highlights key dates such as the 65% design review in November 2021 to February 2022 draft solicitation release and subsequent industry days. The document also provides an overview of the construction activities required for Contract 4, emphasizing deadlines for cutoff wall and levee reconstruction completion by September 2023 and overall construction completion by December 2023. Detailed descriptions of various project components like seepage cutoff walls, levee raises/floodwalls, utility window remediation segments, and staging areas are included to give a comprehensive understanding of the scope and requirements of the project.

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