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A.02 Flagler County, FL CSRM Project Industry Day Presentation - 5DEC 2023 UPDATED.pdf

Posted: Dec. 10, 2023 • Type: .pdf • Size: 6.14MB


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industry day presentation for the Flagler County, FL Coastal Storm Risk Management (CSRM) Project presented by the Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The presentation outlines the project overview, design details, environmental compliance, construction overview, and key dates. The project involves beach berm and dune construction with specific design elements such as dune height, width, and vegetation. The cost share for the project is detailed, along with the construction intervals and benefits. Environmental compliance requirements include protection of threatened and endangered species like marine turtles and shorebirds, as well as cultural resources. The construction overview highlights the maintenance of traffic plan for beach access ramp construction and staging areas, including road closures and detours to ensure public safety during construction activities.

This industry day presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Flagler County CSRM Project, including key details on project scope, design specifications, environmental considerations, and construction logistics. It outlines the timeline for activities such as bid opening, contract award, contractor mobilization, and construction completion. The document emphasizes the importance of environmental compliance in protecting wildlife habitats and cultural resources during project implementation. Additionally, it highlights the coordination efforts between federal agencies, non-federal sponsors, contractors, and local authorities to ensure successful project delivery while minimizing disruptions to local traffic and communities.

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