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2nd T-6A Industry day questions and Answers 7April2021.pdf

Posted: April 7, 2021 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.28MB


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Q&A session related to the T-6A avionics replacement project conducted by the Department of the Air Force. Key information includes the list of industry day attendees, details on the number of T-6A USAF aircraft expected to receive Avionics Replacement Program (ARP) due to DMSMS issues (approximately 442 aircraft), and the timeline for the Request for Proposal (RFP) release around March 2023 with another RFI planned for later in 2021. Vendors sought clarification on various aspects such as aircraft modification schedules, locations, System Integration Lab requirements, and potential inclusion of specific avionics components like HUD, HOTAS, and TACAN in the ARP scope. The document also addresses questions regarding vendor collaboration, training devices, ground-based systems, and compliance with open architecture standards.

The Q&A session provides insights into the T-6A avionics replacement project's scope, timeline, vendor engagement expectations, and specific queries related to avionics upgrades and program requirements. Vendors are encouraged to provide recommendations on capabilities, installation processes, design considerations, and potential future needs aligned with the project's focus on replacing DMSMS components and enhancing cockpit sustainability. Responses from vendors will help shape the acquisition strategy for ARP implementation and highlight areas where vendor input is crucial for decision-making.

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