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2nd REVISION Industry Day Kickoff Packet With Agenda 14JAN22.pptx

Posted: Jan. 14, 2022 • Type: .pptx • Size: 5.05MB


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Industry Day Kickoff Packet with Agenda: The document provides key information regarding the Rough River Industry Day site visit organized by the US Army Corps of Engineers at the Rough River Lake Dam in Falls of Rough, Kentucky. The agenda includes details on the site tour schedule, with specific rally points and timings for various activities. Attendees are instructed to download and review the Industry Day presentation prior to the site tour. The tour includes a general dam tour, tailwater tour, and upstream left abutment tour, with designated meeting locations for each segment.

The document outlines a detailed itinerary for the Industry Day event, emphasizing safety briefings, walking tours of different areas of interest at the dam site, and a debrief session at the conclusion of the tour. It highlights key features of work related to the Rough River Lake Dam project and provides logistical information such as directions from SDF Airport and downtown Louisville to the dam site. The emphasis on pre-tour preparation through reviewing the presentation indicates a structured approach to maximizing participants' understanding and engagement during the site visit.

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