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2022-08-15 AOC Phase 1 Industry Day DRAFT BID SCHEDULE.pdf

Posted: Aug. 18, 2022 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.17MB


contract line item schedule for the Atlantic Ocean Channel Phase 1 project in Virginia Beach, VA. The base bid includes mobilization and demobilization costs for dredging the channel to a depth of -59 feet and disposing of the material at the Dam Neck Ocean Disposal Site. It also covers post-dredging clean-up and removal of accumulated material due to accretion. Additionally, there are provisions for turtle trawling activities as per specifications.

Furthermore, the document outlines additional costs beyond the base bid for mobilization and demobilization related to the placement of dredged material at the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area. This includes construction of a sub-containment area, maintenance of the area, excavation, mixing of materials, and transport. There are specific unit costs associated with dredged material from different stations for placement at CIDMMA. The document also mentions optional live sea turtle take and rehabilitation costs for 2023, as well as provisions for directed standby time at the site.

This document provides detailed cost breakdowns and specifications for dredging activities in the Atlantic Ocean Channel Phase 1 project, including mobilization, demobilization, containment area earthwork, and optional services related to sea turtle rehabilitation and standby time. It outlines specific unit costs for different stages of dredging operations and emphasizes adherence to project specifications for payment calculations and completion requirements.

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