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20200831 ECP Industry Day Breifing (MICC).pptx

Posted: Aug. 31, 2020 • Type: .pptx • Size: 2.77MB


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Industry Day Briefing: The presentation is from MICC Fort Eustis, VA, regarding the Enterprise Classroom Program (ECP) Industry Day. The agenda includes a welcome presentation, an overview of the ECP, responses to submitted questions, and closing remarks. Attendees are encouraged to sign in and participate actively in the acquisition process by providing comments, suggestions, and questions. The goals of the industry day include promoting understanding of the ECP mission, encouraging industry participation, and providing answers to industry questions.

Acquisition History: The ECP program consists of three separate but interactive contracts focusing on modernization, sustainment, and classroom electrical engineering, design, and audiovisual services. The aim is to centralize the acquisition of ECP services into a single enterprise solution under a single IDIQ contract vehicle. This approach is expected to promote cost savings, efficiency, eliminate redundancies, increase performance optimization, reduce contract administration time lags, and ensure fully funded task orders. The anticipated milestones include a five-year ordering period with a maximum ordering amount of $112 million under a small business set-aside competition using a best value decision source selection process.

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