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10 NOV STRI Industry Day Slides - Final r3 110822.pptx

Posted: Nov. 17, 2022 • Type: .pptx • Size: 6.26MB


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This presentation is from the STRI Industry Day held on November 10, 2022, by the Strategic Trends and Effects Department (SI-ST). The Industry Day focused on sharing information about DTRA Strategic Trends' FY23 applied research requirements outlined in BAA HDTRA1-22-S-0004 and Amendment 4. The topics covered in the presentation included submission processes, eligibility criteria, white paper technical evaluation, and team introductions with key personnel like Mr. Donald Wenzlick and Ms. Kathleen "Casey" Ellis. Additionally, it highlighted DTRA's mission to deter strategic attacks, prevent WMD threats, and prevail against adversaries in crisis situations.

Furthermore, the presentation discussed DTRA's strategic priorities aligned with the National Defense Strategy, Director's initiatives focusing on arms control and workforce development, and core functions related to national security. It also delved into the department missions of SI-ST, emphasizing the identification of future challenges related to emerging threats and providing actionable insights for the warfighter community. The document outlined specific thrust areas for research projects, eligibility criteria for organizational participation, and deliverables expected from projects, including external publications approval processes.

The presentation aimed to inform potential participants about research opportunities and requirements within the DTRA framework.

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