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USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora (Better Supply, Better Health)

Type: Forecast • Source ID: AA-329133


The overall objective of Task order is to provide health commodity technical assistance to strengthen health supply chain and pharmaceutical management in Tanzania, across all health elements. Objective 1: Tanzania s public health supply chain and pharmaceutical management workforce is skilled, motivated, and equipped with the tools necessary to conduct supply chain and pharmaceutical management activities effectively. The workforce employed to manage and operate the supply chain and pharmaceutical management system is its most important resource. USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will conduct workforce development activities, based on the competencies staff need to fulfill assigned duties, depending on their supply chain/pharmaceutical management roles and responsibilities. Working closely with counterparts, USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will utilize the appropriate methods for workforce development activities, which may include: on the job training, in/pre service training, coaching/mentoring, supportive supervision, e-learning, curriculum or accreditation program development, and peer to peer learning. USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will implement activities that aim to keep supply chain/pharmaceutical staff motivated in their jobs. Objective 2: Tanzania s public health supply chain and pharmaceutical management system are characterized by defined and streamlined processes and procedures that encourage adaptability to respond to changing demand and supply requirements, resulting in availability and affordability of quality products at the last mile. USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will work to ensure that health commodities are available when and where people need them; and will implement activities that optimize the flow of commodities and standardize the related business processes. USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will need to adapt to changing demand, changing supply, new products, unexpected health crises, and a complex ecosystem of other stakeholders to ensure supply. This may include products that are managed outside of standard/traditional distribution (i.e HIV self-testing). USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will utilize innovative approaches that contribute towards problem-solving around long-standing, entrenched supply chain issues. With guidance from the GoT, USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora is expected to test or pilot novel interventions, with a defined scope and expected outcomes. Objective 3: Tanzania s health supply chain and pharmaceutical management governance structures foster stakeholder engagement, effectively manage resources, and utilize public and private partnerships where needed, to improve performance. Strong governance structures enable supply chains to progress along the maturity spectrum and promote sustainability. These structures have the overall responsibility to ensure the continuous supply of health commodities and are stewards for the public health supply chain - providing vision and guidance for its design, operation, and oversight, and developing and implementing strategies for ensuring adequate financing. USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will support and strengthen governance structures, support coordination among supply chain and pharmaceutical management stakeholders, engage in strategic planning for supply chain performance improvement, and explore public and private partnerships. The Contractor is expected to understand the private sector supply chain landscape and identify and develop potential partnerships, including faith-based organizations, private pharmacies, Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets, and private social enterprise networks. Objective 4: Supply chain and pharmaceutical management data are visible throughout the relevant systems, and shared with relevant stakeholders, who use technology and analytic capabilities to support and continually improve performance. A hallmark of supply chain maturity is end-to-end visibility of supply and demand, where data are used to identify performance problems and risks, make decisions, and take effective action. USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will build on investments into the information systems for supply chain and pharmaceutical services, promote a culture of data-driven decision making, and improve data quality and its use. USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora will facilitate the use of data for performance management, continuous improvement, and strategic decision making.
Est. Value
Min: $50,000,000
Max: $100,000,000
Est. Award Date
9/30/24 Future Opp
Source Est. Solicitation Date
Set Aside
Procurement Method
Forecast Type
Place of Performance
U.S. Mission to Tanzania is forecasted to issue a recompete procurement for USAID NextGen Ugavi Bora, Afya Bora (Better Supply, Better Health) around 9/30/24 worth up to $100,000,000.


Source Level 1 Agency
U.S. Agency for International Development
Source Level 2 Agency




Point of Contact
Catherine Ryoba

Potential Bidders and Partners

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Additional Notes
HIV/AIDS (More than 50% funded by PEPFAR)
Source Forecast ID