Search Contract Forecasts

Promoting Human Rights in Armenia Activity

Type: Forecast • Source ID: AA-331492


USAID plans on issuing a Sources Sought Notice the week of Nov. 20, 2024. The purpose of the notice will be to conduct market research to help determine whether this award is more appropriately done as acquisition or assistance and whether it would be appropriate to restrict eligibility in any way. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to watch and where the notice will be posted. Interested parties should follow USAID/Armenia on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for notifications regarding the notice. Theory of Change: IF the legal and regulatory environment for human rights protection is improved; and IF the human rights institutions and oversight mechanisms are strengthened; and IF the public demand and access to rights protection are improved; THEN human rights will be better protected and rights violations will be better prevented and remedied. Goals, Components, and Expected Results: Goal: Promote human rights and fundamental freedoms in Armenia by preventing, responding to human rights violations, and enhancing rights protection. Activity Components and Expected Results: Component 1: Legal and regulatory frameworks for human rights protection improved. Expected result: The legal and regulatory environment for human rights protection, including for labor rights protection and anti-discrimination, is improved. Component 2: Human rights institutions and oversight mechanisms strengthened. Expected results: Human Rights Defender s Office s (HRDO) technical capacities, systems, and processes to promote and protect human rights are improved. Institutional capacities of select rights enforcement bodies are strengthened. Monitoring, prevention, and response mechanisms to human rights violations, including torture, trafficking in persons, child labor, and gross violations for human rights; are enhanced. Component 3: Public demand and access to human rights protection improved. Expected results: Human rights defenders advocacy for rights protection is bolstered. Adherence to human rights norms and legislation is improved through strategic litigation and advocacy efforts. Platforms/mechanisms for evidence-based civic oversight of human rights protection bodies, including HRDO, are strengthened. Public awareness and support for human rights is enhanced.
Est. Value
Min: $10,000,000
Max: $25,000,000
Est. Award Date
Source Est. Solicitation Date
Set Aside
Forecast Type
Place of Performance
U.S. Mission to Armenia is forecasted to issue a new procurement for Promoting Human Rights in Armenia Activity around 9/15/24 worth up to $25,000,000.


Source Level 1 Agency
U.S. Agency for International Development
Source Level 2 Agency


Point of Contact
Narine Sarkisian

Potential Bidders and Partners

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Additional Detail

Date Published
Additional Notes
Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
Source Forecast ID