Search Defense Budget

Spares and Repair Parts

Category: Procurement • Line Item: 605 • FY24 Budget Request: $2,451.2M


Budget Account
1506N - Aircraft Procurement, Navy
Budget Activity
6 - Aircraft spares and repair parts
Spares and Repair Parts is a critical component of the Navy's strategy to maintain and modernize its fleet for decisive operations. The program aims to provide initial plane-side spare and repair parts per authorized allowance listings to support the sustainment of naval aviation platforms for force generation and employment requirements in response to combatant commander needs. This includes funding for initial spares supporting aircraft procured under various budget activities, replenishment spares shipping containers, and support for aircraft modifications. The program also focuses on improving aviation operational readiness across the Fleet by providing immediate-fill, point-of-use spare parts needed to fix aircraft in a down status and mitigate long shipping lead-times.

Additionally, Program 0605 supports the Chief of Naval Operations' strategy by addressing urgent warfighting readiness shortfalls and making strategic investments in additional range and depth of spares onboard CVNs to increase deployed aviation readiness. The funding levels for FY24 represent a strategic investment for the Navy's Readiness as a top priority to properly sustain the future readiness needs of the Airwing of the Future while concurrently sustaining the readiness of today's afloat deployers and shore stations. The program also includes specific funding allocations for platforms such as Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), CH-53K, V-22, P-8A, E-2D AHE, Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS), Multi-Engine Trainer System (METS), KC-130J, Marine Group 5 UAS, Repair of Repairables (ROR), Spares for Modifications, War Consumables, and Aircraft Support Equipment and Facilities.
Budget Trend

Spares and Repair Parts Procurement Programs (605) budget history and request

Interactive stacked bar chart for exploring the Spares and Repair Parts budget
Interactive line chart for exploring the Spares and Repair Parts budget
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Enacted Requested Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted
$1,087,330,000 $1,242,510,000 $1,478,401,000 $1,712,571,000 $2,195,764,000 $1,678,794,000 $2,168,602,000 $2,202,986,000 $2,295,577,000 $2,047,417,000 $2,451,244,000 $1,832,522,000 $1,690,871,000 $1,601,312,000 $1,822,090,000

FY2024 Defense Budget Detail

FY2024 Budget Released: 03/09/23