Budget Account
3600F - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force
Budget Activity
5 - System development and demonstration
Physical Security Equipment is a part of the Air Force's Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) budget activity and focuses on the improvement and enhancement of the Integrated Base Defense Security Systems (IBDSS) to support Force Protection. The program aims to provide for the protection of tactical, fixed, and nuclear weapons systems, Air Force personnel, and facilities. It includes spectrum planning for radio frequency (RF), communication security (cyber), information assurance requirements, integration and interoperability Command Control & Communication (C3) platform & components. Additionally, the program involves market research, evaluation, and testing for Force Protection Commercial Off the Shelf (FP COTS) equipment. The program also supports the development and integration of Defender Multi-Domain Command, Control and Communications (DMDC3) software applications to meet Advanced Battle Management System/Joint All Domain Command and Control (ABMS/JADC2) directive.
The Physical Security Equipment program under PE 0604287F aims to continue the development and testing of state-of-the-art technology to support integrated base defense systems installations worldwide. It includes efforts to integrate and test commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment for essential upgrades and improvements in physical security equipment. Furthermore, the program focuses on further developing, integrating, and testing Defender Multi-Domain Command, Control and Communications (DMDC3) software applications to meet Advanced Battle Management System/Joint All Domain Command and Control (ABMS/JADC2) directive. The program also supports the expansion of IBDSS modernization efforts with a focus on zero-trust architecture, Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence integration, expanded sensor capabilities, Unmanned Aerial Systems/Unmanned Ground Vehicle integration, and improved mobile C3. This program element may include necessary civilian pay expenses required to manage, execute, and deliver weapon system capability in addition to civilian pay expenses budgeted in other related program elements.