Budget Account
2040A - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army
Budget Activity
3 - Advanced technology development
Long Range Precision Fires Advanced Technology is a research and development initiative within the Army's Research, Development, Test & Evaluation budget activity. The program aims to mature and demonstrate technologies for long-range precision fires, including missiles and cannon artillery, to enhance the Army's integrated capabilities for extended range and precision in fire support operations. The specific focus areas include land-based anti-ship missile technology, long-range maneuverable fires, extended range cannon artillery, energetic materials, and advanced processing. The program is aligned with the Army's Long Range Precision Fires Modernization Priority and is consistent with the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering priority focus areas and the Army Modernization Strategy.
The program's objectives include developing critical technologies to detect, engage, and defeat moving land or maritime surface targets under all conditions. It also aims to increase survivability, penetration, and range in complex Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) and denied environments through the maturation and demonstration of advanced extended range missile technology and autonomous unmanned launcher technology. Additionally, the program seeks to increase range and accuracy without an increase in platform weight through the development of artillery technologies such as lightweight cannon structures, high-efficiency recoil cylinders, improved fire control hardware and software, and enhanced sensor to shooter communications. The research is performed by the United States Army Futures Command (AFC) and complements other long-range precision fires technology initiatives within the Army.