Budget Account
3600F - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force
Budget Activity
7 - Operational system development
The Joint Personnel Recovery Agency falls under the Research, Development, Test & Evaluation budget activity for the Air Force. The program's specific goals and objectives include supporting the development of innovative capabilities to address Personnel Recovery in Large Scale Combat Operations, Multi-Domain Operations, and anti-access/area denial environments for Combatant Commanders and the Services. This involves addressing Personnel Recovery capability gaps and shortfalls identified in the Personnel Recovery Initial Capabilities Document approved by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council memorandum 120-12 on 8 Aug 2012. The program also focuses on activities such as funding for research and development, support equipment, contract services, and all associated costs specifically identified to support the JPRA headquarters Ft. Belvoir, VA and other agency operating locations. Additionally, it aims to develop and transition to sustainment an enterprise-level information data system [Personnel Recovery Information Data System [PRIDS] to enable DoD data management, analysis, and collaboration.
The program's planned programs include the development of the Personnel Recovery Information Data System [PRIDS], assessment and evaluation of technologies for personnel recovery geospatial data visualization, predictive and real-time planning capabilities through the Optimal Search Study, systems analysis to support a future program of record to satisfy report and locate requirement gaps as identified by the combatant commands [CCMDs], and the development of an internet accessible database that addresses personnel recovery roles, responsibilities, and activities to develop a DOD Personnel Recovery Supplement to a U.S. diplomatic post's emergency action plan through DOD Support to Personnel Recovery in a Chief of Mission Environment [DSPRCE] - Automated Development Tool. The program also aims to develop capabilities to enable Service members to use their smartphones as Personnel Recovery aids through the Smartphone Initiative. These efforts are supported by leveraging existing program contracts or awarding contracts through full and open competition as part of the acquisition strategy projects.