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Family of Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals

Category: Procurement • Line Item: FBLOST • FY24 Budget Request: $25.1M


Budget Account
3022F - Procurement, Space Force
Budget Activity
FBLOST or the Family of Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals, falls under the Air Force's procurement budget activity for Space Programs. The specific goal of this program is to replace legacy Milstar terminals with the Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T) Command Post Terminals (CPT), providing Extremely High Frequency (EHF) protected high data rate communication for nuclear and conventional forces, including Presidential and National Voice Conferencing (PNVC). The program aims to deliver this new, highly secure capability for DoD platforms, support critical command and control of satellite constellations, and ensure terminal interoperability with the full AEHF satellite constellation. Additionally, it seeks to provide support capability for fielded units, including interim contractor support and depot activation activities.

The objectives of Program FBLOST include procuring FAB-T CPT terminals to replace legacy Milstar terminals and provide secure communication for nuclear and conventional forces. This includes delivering airborne terminals to aircraft depots, providing interim contractor support for existing fielded terminals, operator training, and ramping up organic depot activation efforts in preparation for long-term hardware, software, and crypto sustainment. The program also aims to procure BBK enclosures and any remaining PNVC equipment required for fielding activities, as well as provide support capability for fielded units including interim contractor support and depot activation activities. Additionally, it involves activities to ensure terminal interoperability with the full AEHF satellite constellation and address Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages associated with production and fielding of the AEHF family of terminals.
Budget Trend

Family of Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals Procurement Programs (FBLOST) budget history and request

Interactive stacked bar chart for exploring the Family of Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals budget
Interactive line chart for exploring the Family of Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals budget
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Enacted Requested Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted
$0 $27,026,000 $96,035,000 $93,636,000 $115,968,000 $36,587,000 $31,930,000 $62,763,000 $36,544,000 $16,144,000 $25,057,000 $17,235,000 $16,110,000 $6,809,000 $5,161,000

FY2024 Defense Budget Detail

FY2024 Budget Released: 03/09/23