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Category: RDT&E • Line Item: 0604007F • FY24 Budget Request: $681.0M


Budget Account
3600F - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force
Budget Activity
4 - Advanced component development and prototypes
The E-7A program is a part of the Research, Development, Test & Evaluation budget activity for the Air Force. The primary goal of this program is to replace the aging E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) with the more sustainable and capable E-7A. The E-7A will serve as the USAF's principal airborne sensor for detecting, identifying, tracking, and reporting aerial tracks for the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC). The program aims to enhance airborne battlespace awareness, mitigate reliability and operational issues, and comply with US cyber security and program protection standards. The FY2024 funding will support continued rapid prototyping of two E-7As, including efforts to ensure compliance with GPS M-Code and Narrowband SATCOM mandates.

The E-7A program under PE 0604007F is focused on advancing component development and prototypes for the Air Force. Specifically, it aims to complete end items and potential modification components for up to two aircraft to support test and evaluation. Additionally, the program seeks to ensure compliance with US cyber security and program protection standards, navigation and communication systems compliance with GPS M-Code and Narrowband SATCOM mandates, and design and build-out of contractor and government System Integration Laboratories supporting development, integration, and test activities. The program also plans to provide analysis and products supporting future requirements and airworthiness certification. The total cost of the E-7A Middle Tier of Acquisition effort is $2,730.776 million, including RDT&E and procurement of prototype units.
Budget Trend

E-7 Research Development, Test & Evaluation Programs (0604007F) budget history and request

Interactive stacked bar chart for exploring the E-7 budget
Interactive line chart for exploring the E-7 budget
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Enacted Requested Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $426,776,000 $681,039,000 $417,774,000 $296,813,000 $161,546,000 $167,393,000

FY2024 Defense Budget Detail

FY2024 Budget Released: 03/09/23