Budget Account
0400D - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide
The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) utilizes RDT&E funds to conduct Management Support for the Department of Defense. The specific goals and objectives of this program include developing and delivering innovative education, training, research, and collaborative solutions to optimize total force readiness. This involves informing advanced technologies, training methodologies, human relations job-aids, research publications, and recommendations. Additionally, the program aims to conduct fundamental topical research and analysis on a select group of human relations topics identified in DoD directives. DEOMI also provides policy, program, and strategy development support to various DoD organizations such as DMOC, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI), DHRA, Office of Force Resilience (OFR), and the Services.
DEOMI's mission is to support the DoD's Culture, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity needs through its expanded mission areas. The program seeks to inform policy, training, education, programs, and operations that rely heavily on a diverse total force of military personnel, civilians, and contractors. This includes conducting studies on how leadership, human relations, culture, and other related topics impact individuals, units, families, organizations' performance both positively and negatively. DEOMI also collaborates with external academic institutions and government agencies worldwide through initiatives like the Summer Faculty Research Program and Summer STEM internship program to ensure it fields up-to-date training programs and deploys cutting-edge training and support technologies/materials across the DoD.