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Command and Control Switchboard

Category: Procurement • Line Item: 925 • FY24 Budget Request: $2.5M


Budget Account
1810N - Other Procurement, Navy
Budget Activity
1 - Ships support equipment
The Command and Control Switchboard is a critical component for the Navy's shipboard combat equipment. The program's primary goal is to provide mission-critical switching capability required to link shipboard combat equipment, including weapons, launchers, sensors, computers, and navigation equipment. The switchboards serve as the central connection point for most elements of combat and weapon systems, interior communications, data transfer, and command and control systems. This budget item supports approximately 200 ships and 1,000 pieces of equipment throughout the acquisition life cycle. The program aims to ensure systems intra and interface compatibility by providing hardware modification kits, technical manual updates, and revisions to other supporting documentation.

The specific objectives of Program 0925 include ensuring that the switchboards accommodate analog, digital interfaces, or a combination of both. Additionally, the program aims to facilitate data routing, action cutout, test and operating mode selection (including casualty back-up modes), power monitoring and control, circuit protection, peripheral equipment isolation, signal processing, and frequency conversion amplification and switching. Furthermore, the program supports modifications to existing switchboards via Ship Alterations (SHIPALTs), Ship Change Documents (SCDs), ordnance alterations (ORDALTs), or field changes (FCs) as well as the procurement of ORDALT/Field Changes kits driven by upgraded engineering modifications essential for the functional deployment of Battle Force Interoperability. Overall, the Command and Control Switchboard program plays a crucial role in ensuring the seamless integration of combat systems and interior communication interfaces across Navy ships.
Budget Trend

Command and Control Switchboard Procurement Programs (925) budget history and request

Interactive stacked bar chart for exploring the Command and Control Switchboard budget
Interactive line chart for exploring the Command and Control Switchboard budget
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Enacted Requested Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted
$2,436,000 $2,219,000 $2,255,000 $2,140,000 $2,240,000 $2,248,000 $2,086,000 $2,374,000 $2,194,000 $2,406,000 $2,458,000 $2,407,000 $2,455,000 $2,506,000 $2,564,000

FY2024 Defense Budget Detail

FY2024 Budget Released: 03/09/23