Search Grant Programs

19.028: Decrypting PRC Industrial and Technology Policy

Alternate Name: Decrypting PRC Industrial Policy


Program Number
Last Modified
Aug. 10, 2023
Date Posted
Aug. 10, 2023
Funds will support a comprehensive research plan to compile, categorize, analyze, and publicize methodologically sound information on People’s Republic of China (PRC) international economic influence. The information will allow developing countries, including in South America, Africa, and the Indo-Pacific, to assess more accurately the risks associated with PRC technology acquisition and deployment plans, and help them build alliances to combat unfair economic practices. This project will fill persistent knowledge gaps and produce a high-resolution map of all major PRC Government industrial and advanced technology initiatives, using proven research methods to identify detailed information on priorities, implementing institutions, and policy tools. It will provide a detailed understanding of how high-level, high-profile PRC policy initiatives translate into discrete actions and support for PRC industry throughout all levels of government, particularly as they interface with PRC private and state-owned firms. The project will significantly expand global understanding of PRC digital investments, Military-Civil Fusion, and other technology innovation efforts. The implementing partner will provide this information through outreach to targeted countries. Activities may include conferences for ESF-eligible countries globally that convene the research teams to share, evaluate and cross validate results. The program’s research outputs will be publicly available and include information detailing PRC cyber, ICT, and emerging technology plans and intentions, easily accessible by governments, academics, journalists, and NGOs.
Applicant Eligibility
Experts in PRC industrial and technology policy. Must have demonstrated record of high-caliber production on these topics, particularly with a focus on civilian sectors.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Experts in PRC industrial and technology policy. Must have demonstrated record of high-caliber production on these topics, particularly with a focus on civilian sectors.
Grant Awards

Decrypting PRC Industrial and Technology Policy direct grants

Grant Opportunities

Decrypting PRC Industrial and Technology Policy grant and assistance application opportunities