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2nd Industry Day Questions 11-12-19.pdf

Posted: Dec. 6, 2019 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.05MB


summary of the 2nd industry day held on November 12th, focusing on vendor questions and answers. Some key points include clarification on past performance questionnaires, with GSA planning to update procedures in future RFQs and routinely checking CPARS evaluations.

It was emphasized that the small business size status of current contracts will not influence new requirements, as each new set-aside decision will be made independently. Communication regarding upcoming RFQs will be through eBuy. Consolidating contracts/SINs will have additional information provided by FAS, and energy SINs will be re-evaluated with the rollout of the new consolidated schedule.

Additionally, all contracts awarded will have a base year with multiple option years, with the possibility of not exercising an option if performance issues arise.

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