What is This?: This is an acronym search tool that tracks the most common civilian and military acronyms and abbreviations used by the United States federal government. It is designed to help government contractors, grant recipients, and the public find the definitions of common and uncommon federal acronyms and explore related documents.
Data Source: Acronyms are extracted from contract and grant solicitations and related documents.
Update Frequency: The acronym dictionary is updated monthly based on the latest available documents.
Column Definitions:
Acronym: An acronym or abbreviation used by a United States federal government agency.
Definition: Words or names described by the acronym. Definitions are based on actual use by federal agencies in official documents, so common acronyms may have multiple similar definitions if that is how they are used in practice.
Agencies: The top 3 agencies that have used this acronym.
Frequency: Relative frequently the acronym occurs in government documents.
Explore: Click to see how the acronym is used in more 70+ million contracts, grants, opportunities, vehicles, programs, and more in the HigherGov database.